I Cant wait to see more. Support the game guys. :D
I Cant wait to see more. Support the game guys. :D
this is a slappin beat for a game that's really hard
Cool math game. There is definantly something fun with this kind of mechanic of turning the gears, I had a 3 chain combo on round 3 some how. would be cool if there was a score system.
great game but hoo boy does it piss me off! XD
I got a lil' nostalgic feel from this.
atleast the beat beat bops....
This ain't bad! Chaining combos are pretty satisfying. If only It was longer...
Sorry, only had 9 hours for this one!
I made this account when I was like in middle school, now I just think I'm better off postin' my art-work here.
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"Your Sanctuary" Location
Joined on 3/9/12