Underated character. Truly.
Underated character. Truly.
fuck Cassandra, Alucard best edgy kid on Picos school
Where can I order a copy?
hi! you can buy physical copy directly from us by paypal (dm me) or from indiegogo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/welcome-to-shipsgrave-by-nashotobi/x/19848020#/
And you can buy a digital copy from amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097YTHPLV where you can also read it with Kindle unlimited
How doers get more done.
And that's where muscle milk comes from boys...
Gotta love that Dk Pepper
yes. Yes! YES! I can't help but smile like a goofball seeing this post! I'd love to see a new Alloy Arena in this style.
*dial's 911*
T-shirt Worhty
A few people have said this, sadly, I don't think I'll ever make it into a t-shirt... got too many good designs I'm cooking already
I made this account when I was like in middle school, now I just think I'm better off postin' my art-work here.
(Profile picture by
"Your Sanctuary" Location
Joined on 3/9/12